11 Temmuz 2014 Cuma

Equipment Executive Top 10 List

Ekipman Yoneticisinin Top 10 Listesi

Execute the following strategies correctly, and you and your company should enjoy substantial success

Asagidaki stratejileri dogru uygularsaniz, siz ve sirketiniz kaydadeger bicimde basarili olacaktir.

By Mike Vorster
  1. Buy right. It starts with having the right iron. You are making a long-term investment in assets, so take the selection decision seriously. Don't buy because the deal is too good to resist, and remember that dealer support is more important than low first cost.
    Equipment works hard and success depends on your ability to keep the machine producing completed construction on time and on budget. To do this, the machine must have the quality and capability needed to produce work all day, every day.
    You must also have the expertise needed to keep it up and running regardless of where it may be working. Every machine will break; the speed, efficiency and cost of returning it to service will determine the success of your selection decision.
Dogru alim: Is dogru araclara sahip olmakla baslar. Araclara yaptiginiz yatirim uzun donemli olacagi icin tercih konusunu ciddiye almalisiniz. Cok uygun olduguna aldanip bir araci almayin, unutmayin ki satis sonrasi hizmet ilk odediginiz arac bedelinden daha onemlidir. Ekipmanlar cok calisir ve sizin basariniz isi zamaninda ve butce dahilinde bitirmektir. Bunu yapabilmek icin makinalarin tum gun ve hergun calisabilecek kalite ve yeterlilige sahip olmasi gerekir. Ayrica, sizin de nerede calisiyor olursaniz olun bunlari calisir ve is gorur durumda tutacak uzmanliga sahip olmaniz gerekir. Butun makinalar birgun arizalanacaktir. Sizin makina alim tercihindeki isabetiniz ise ariza durumunda onlari yeniden isler duruma getirmedeki hiziniz, veriminiz, ve yaptiginiz harcama tarafindan belirlenecektir.
  1. Develop your operators. Operators are your first line of defense. No one is more important when it comes to determining the operating cost and productivity of your fleet, yet operators are frequently outside the equipment manager's sphere of influence. Even so, be committed to their training and development.
    Manufacturers continue to improve the reliability and capability of equipment, and more skill is being demanded of our operators. We cannot waste these efforts by constantly switching operators from machine to machine, having operators who are not fully trained, and unable to balance the need for productivity with the need to look after the machine.
    You will show that you care about your equipment and your operators if you emphasize operator development, give them a sense of ownership in the equipment they operate, and understand the value of their role in productivity and cost.
Operatorlerinizi gelistirin: Operatorler sizin ilk savunma hattinizdir. Filonuzun isletme masrafi ve verimliligini belirleme konusunda operatorler en onemli unsur olmalarina karsin operatorler genelde ekipman yoneticisinin sorumluluk alani disindadirlar. Boyle olmasina karsin operatorlerin egitimi ve kendilerini gelistirmelerine onem verin. Ureticiler makinalarin guvenilirlik ve becerilerini gelistirmeye devam etmektedirler ve bu operatorlerden daha fazla seyler beklenmesine neden olmaktadir. Bu emekleri, makinadan makinaya surekli operator degistirerek, yani tam olarak egitim almamis ve verimlilik ile makine bakimi arasinda denge kuramayacak duruma dusen operatorler ile,  kaybetmemeliyiz. Ekipman ve operatorleri onemsediginizi gostermek icin operator egitimine agirlik verin, ve operatorlerde calistirdiklari makinelere dair bir sahip cikma duygusu uyandirin, ayrica verimlilik ve maliyet anlaminda oynadiklari rolu anlamalarini saglayin.
  1. Maintain without compromise. Preventive maintenance is an investment rather than a cost, and systems that ensure that it is done to the required quality standards on time every time are not negotiable. The field technicians visit the machines regularly and must have the time, training and tools needed to inspect and report; they cannot just check, change, adjust and lubricate.
    Mechanical maintenance focuses on repair before failure and bridges the gap between preventive maintenance and repair. It keeps you in control of the timing and the extent of the work to be done and reduces cost without sacrificing reliability. An effective program depends on an ability to predict failure and use data rather than conservative guesses.
Odun vermeden bakim yapin: Onleyici bakim bir maliyet degil yatirimdir, ve bunun gerekli kalite standartlarina uygun olarak zamaninda yapilmasini saglayacak sistemlerin onemi tartisilamaz. Santiye (arazi) teknisyenleri makineleri duzenli olarak ziyaret etmelidirler, ve inceleme yapacak ayni zamanda rapor bildirecek zamana, egitime ve araclara sahip olmalidirlar; yalnizca kontrol edip, ayar yapip yaglayip gitmemelidirler.
  1. Manage costs by category. It is good to know that actual costs are exceeding budgeted costs, but it is unlikely that you will be able to take appropriate action unless you know which cost category is causing the problem. Therefore, divide both actual and budgeted costs into an appropriate number of categories to manage cost by category.
    Owning and operating costs must be counted together any time we consider the total cost of a machine, but we will do a better job if we measure actual versus budget for each category and manage them independently. Owning costs are mostly fixed, and the hourly rate is dependant on annual utilization. Operating costs are proportional to the number of hours worked, and the hourly rate depends on the age and application of the machine as well as the effectiveness of maintain, repair and rebuild decisions. Actionable cost information can only be provided if these two categories and their appropriate subcategories are budgeted and managed separately.
Maliyetleri kategoriler halinde yonetin: Gercek butcenin planlanan butceyi astigindan haberdar olmak iyidir ama, hangi kategorinin bu fazlaliga sebep oldugunu bilmeden uygun bir cozum bulma sansiniz zordur. Bu yuzden, gercek ve planlanan butceyi uygun sayida kategoriye bolun. Sahip olma ve isletme maliyetleri bir makinenin toplam maliyetini dusundugumuzde birarada alinmalidirlar, fakat ikisini birbirinden bagimsiz kategorilerde dusunmek yararli olacaktir. Sahip olma maliyeti buyuk olcude sabittir, ve saatlik maliyet yillik kullanima gore degismektedir. Isletme maliyeti ise calisilan saat sayisi ile orantili olup, saatlik maliyet makinenin yasi ve kullanim sekli ile beraber bakim, onarim  ve yeniden yapim tercihlerine de baglidir. Uygulamaya konabilir maliyet bilgisi bu kategoriler ve onlarin alt kategorileri egerbirbirinden bagimsiz planlanir ve yonetilirse elde edilebilir.
  1. Know that repair costs will increase. Repair costs will increase as a machine ages, yet we budget and manage them as if they will remain constant. This causes two problems. First, young machines under-run their repair cost budget, and we falsely believe they are "making money." Second, older machines over-run their budget, and we falsely see this as a cause for concern rather than a predictable part of total lifecycle cost.
    Establishing repair budgets for each third of a machine's life improves budgeting and helps to identify machines that are exceeding budgeted repair costs.
Onarim maliyetlerinin artacagini bilin: Onarim maliyetleri makine yaslandikca artacaktir, fakat biz genelde sanki bu gider sabit kalacakmis gibi butce yapariz. Bu iki soruna yol acar. Ilk olarak, genc makineler onarim maliyeti butcelerinin altinda giderlere sahip olurlar, biz de yanlislikla onlarin “para kazandirdigina” inaniriz. Ikinci olarak, yasli makineler onarim maliyeti butcelerinin ustunde giderlere sahip olurlar, bizde bunu makinenin toplam omrune ait maliyet gibi gormek yerine bir sorun olarak goruruz. Bunun yerine, onarim butcelerini makinenin omrunun 3’te birine karsilik gelen donemlere gore yapmak, gercekten de onarim butcesini asan makinalari ayirtetmekte yardimci olacaktir.
  1. Understand depreciation. Tax calculations are performed with only one objective in mind (to establish a basis for calculating tax due), and each step in the process is defined by tax codes. The only real measure for the actual depreciation experienced when putting a machine to work is provided by the used equipment market.
    If you want your depreciation estimates as close to "right" as possible, then you must base them on your knowledge of the market and not on numbers provided by the administrators who write and amend the tax codes.
Deger kaybini anlayin:Vergi hesaplamalari tek bir amacla yapilir (odenmesi gereken vergiyi hesaplamada bir temel olusturmak icin), ve buradaki her asama vergi kanunlari ile belirlenmistir. Bir makinanin kullanima konmasi ile yasadigi deger kaybini anlamanin olcutu 2. el piyasasi tarafindan verilir. Eger deger kaybi tahminlerinizin “dogruya” olabildigince yakin olmasini istiyor iseniz, onlari 2. el piyasasina dair bilginize dayandirin, vergi kanunlarini yazan ve degistiren yoneticilerin verilerine degil.
  1. Measure inputs and outputs. We are really good at measuring money, the prime input, but we struggle to measure outputs such as availability, uptime and reliability. We need to know whether increasing expenditure on repair and maintenance is producing the desired results, or whether we are simply throwing good money after bad.
    Measuring both inputs and outputs enables us to focus on the efficiency of our processes and often shows how wrong it is to buy low, pinch pennies, and focus on cost reduction without regard to uptime, reliability and productivity.
Girdi ve ciktilarinizi olcun: Parayi ve ana girdiyi olcme konusunda cok iyi olmamiza karsin, bulunabilirlik, kullanilirlik, ve guvenilirlik gibi ciktilari olcmede guclukler yasariz. Bakim ve onarima daha cok para harcamanin istedigimiz sonuclari verip vermedigini bilmemiz gerekir. Hem girdi hem de ciktilari olcmek yontemlerimizin verimliligine odaklanmamizi saglar, ayni zamanda ucuza alip maliyet dusurmenin kullanilirlik, guvenilirlik ve verim gozardi edildiginde ne kadar yanlis oldugunu gosterir.

  1. Buy what you burn. If a machine lasts 16,000 hours and you run eight of them for 2,000 hours a year, you will have to replace or rebuild hours equivalent to one new machine per year. It is not complicated, but it requires discipline and an acceptance of the fact that you must constantly invest in your fleet if you wish to maintain your productive capacity.
    Buying what you burn means that you are not living off your seed corn, that you are reinvesting the cash flows recovered through depreciation, and that you have a long-term strategy in place. A steady systematic fleet-investment program maintains fleet average age and solves many of the problems associated with out-of-balance repair costs and lumpy depreciation schedules.
Harcadiginiz seyi alin: Eger bir makine 16 000 saat dayaniyor ve siz bunlardan sekizini senede 2000 saat calistiriyorsaniz, her sene yeni bir makineye esdeger yatirimi yapmaniz gerekir. Bu karmasik bir durum degildir, fakat disiplin ve filonuza surekli yatirim yapma gerekliligi gercegini kabuletmeniz gereklidir. Harcadiginiz seyi alin demek, elinizdeki sermayeden yememek, calisarak deger kaybina ugrayan filonuza geri yatirim yapmaktir. Kararli bir filo-yatirimi programi filonuzun ortalama yasini koruyacak, ve ayni zamanda dengesiz onarim giderleri ve keskin deger kayiplarini onleyecektir.
  1. Focus on functions. Equipment managers can become so focused on equipment that they lose sight of the fact that construction companies succeed by bidding competitively and producing safe, quality work. Equipment management is not "the business," and empires or corporate organizations that focus on internal scorekeeping and politics rather than the real business of making money won't survive.
    Focusing on and understanding six basic functions will build success. We need to 1) buy and sell equipment for the best price possible; 2) ensure that it is licensed, inspected and legal; 3) move it from job to job and have it in the right place at the right time; 4) keep it up and running through effective field maintenance; 5) run efficient repair facilities, shops and yards; and 6) manage the fleet to maximize its value as an corporate asset.
    Focusing on these six things, managing each and measuring outcomes, will ensure our success.
Islevlere odaklanin: Ekipman yoneticileri bazen ekipmanlara o kadar odaklanirlar ki uyesi olduklari insaat sirketinin ihalelerde iyi rekabet ederek ve kaliteli is ureterek basarili oldugunu unuturlar. Ekipman yonetimi “gercek is” degildir, ve ic hesaplar ve politika ile ugrasip para kazanmayi unutan sirketler ayakta kalamazlar. Alti basit islevi anlamak ve onlara odaklanmak basari getirecektir: 1) Ekipmani en iyi fiyata almali ve satmaliyiz 2) Ekipman lisansli, denetimden gecmis ve yasal olmali 3) Ekipmani isten ise yonlendirebilmek ve dogru zamanda dogru yerde olmasini saglamak 4) Etkili arazi-santiye bakimi ile ekipmanin isler durumda olmasi 5) Verimli onarim bolumleri ve atolyeleri isletmek 6) Filoyu sirkete ait bir deger olarak en iyi bicimde yonetmek. Bu alti noktaya odaklanmak, bunlari yonetip sonuclarini olcmek basariyi garantileyecektir.

  1. Play the game, add value. There are two approaches to defining the role of the equipment manager. The first sees equipment management as synonymous with "shop management" and considers the equipment manager's primary function to supply equipment as and when needed. Broad and important issues such as making sure that the fleet supports current operational plans go unattended. There is no overarching responsibility to manage the fleet as a corporate asset. The other approach defines equipment management as an executive function that provides expertise, integrates decisions, provides information, and looks after the fleet from cradle to grave. The equipment manager is a member of the executive team, is involved in strategic decision making, supports policy at all levels in the organization, and manages the fleet on a fully informed proactive basis.Which approach applies depends on the value you add to the company. Be constructive, be proactive, rejoice in your expertise, and constantly seek out new ways to play the game.
Oyunu oynayin ve deger katin: Ekipman yoneticisinin rolunu belirlemede iki yaklasim vardir. Ilki ekipman yonetimini “atolye yonetimi” ile esdeger gorur, burada ekipman yoneticisinin temel gorevi istenen ekipmanlari istendigi sekilde saglamaktir. Genis ve onemli konular, ornegin filonun yururlukte olan planlari destekleyebilecek nitelikte olmasi, dikkatten kacar. Filoyu sirkete ait bir deger olarak yonetme sorumlulugu yoktur. Diger yaklasim ise ekipman yonetimini filoyu besikten mezara destekleyen, bu konuda uzmanlik oneren, alinan kararlari butunlestiren ve bilgi veren yonetici bir konumda tanimlar. Ekipman yoneticisi, yonetim kadrosunun bir parcasi olup, stratejik karar vermede yeralir ve filoyu bilgili ve proaktif bicimde yonetir. Hangi yaklasimin uygulandigi sirkete kattiginiz degere baglidir. Yapici, proaktif olun, uzmanliginizdan tatmin duyun ve oyunu oynayabileceginiz yeni bicimleri arayin.
These 10 strategies will make you and your company better.
Bu 10 strateji sizi ve sirketinizi daha iyi kilacaktir.

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